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US To Investigate China's Remote Sensing Technology Advancements

In a move underscoring heightened concerns over China's advancements in remote sensing technologies, the United States–China Economic and Security Review Commission has issued a request for proposals from companies capable of producing an unclassified report on China's remote sensing capabilities.

2 minute readUpdated 1:46 AM EDT, Sun March 31, 2024

In a move underscoring heightened concerns over China's advancements in remote sensing technologies, the United States–China Economic and Security Review Commission has issued a request for proposals from companies capable of producing an unclassified report on China's remote sensing capabilities.

United States–China Economic and Security Review Commission is an advisory body to both Congress and the White House. The commission's directive is to gain insights into China's investments in advanced remote sensor companies within the US, as well as to examine China's utilization and development of these technologies for military purposes. 

Established in 2000, the United States–China Economic and Security Review Commission serves as an autonomous agency of the U.S. government, directly accountable to Congress and the president. Its primary mandate is to monitor and report on the national security ramifications of the economic relationship between the United States and China.

The commission's interest in China's remote sensing capabilities comes as China continues to enhance its imaging satellite and surveillance aircraft technologies.

The report is expected to shed light on critical aspects of China's remote sensing capabilities, including the extent to which the nation relies on components, software, and technologies from the US or other countries including aquisition of intellectual property, either through legal means or through cyber-enabled espionage. An additional focus will be placed on identifying any strategic "chokehold" points in the remote sensing supply chain, which could have significant implications for national security.

One significant focal point of the report is to assess how commercial remote sensing technologies contribute to the operations of China's People's Liberation Army. The report will delve into areas such as intelligence gathering, surveillance activities, space domain awareness, and anti-submarine warfare, revealing how China leverages remote sensing to bolster its military capabilities.

Proposals from interested companies to undertake this crucial assessment are due by September 8, 2023, and the resulting report is expected to provide vital insights into China's remote sensing advancements and their implications for U.S. national security.

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