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SpaceX Announces "Bandwagon" Missions

SpaceX has unveiled plans to launch a new class of rideshare missions, known as "Bandwagon," to cater to the growing demand for mid-inclination orbits. The move comes as part of the company's continuous efforts to expand its rideshare offerings and provide greater accessibility to space for a wider range of customers.

3 minute readUpdated 2:42 AM EDT, Mon April 1, 2024

SpaceX has unveiled plans to launch a new class of rideshare missions, known as "Bandwagon," to cater to the growing demand for mid-inclination orbits. The move comes as part of the company's continuous efforts to expand its rideshare offerings and provide greater accessibility to space for a wider range of customers.

Jarrod McLachlan, the Director of Rideshare Sales at SpaceX, revealed the details of the Bandwagon missions during a presentation at this years Annual Small Satellite Conference.These missions will complement SpaceX's existing Transporter line of rideshare missions, which have been operational since 2021.

The Bandwagon missions are specifically designed to deliver payloads to altitudes ranging from 550 to 605 kilometers and inclinations of approximately 45 degrees. This strategic move addresses the needs of customers seeking mid-inclination orbits, a crucial requirement for various space applications.

"It's a way of meeting the demand for the second most commonly asked orbit." - Jarrod McLachlan, SpaceX Director of Rideshare Sales

Four Bandwagon missions have already been scheduled, with the first mission set to launch in April 2024, followed by subsequent missions in November 2024, February 2025, and May 2025. These missions will run parallel to the ongoing Transporter missions, which have been highly successful in delivering payloads to sun-synchronous orbits. 

SpaceX's rideshare program has garnered significant attention and popularity in recent years, solidifying the company's position as a leading provider of rideshare launches. Since the inception of the program, SpaceX has successfully launched 682 spacecraft through its rideshare program. The majority of these payloads, 664 in total, have been delivered to sun-synchronous orbits, which are particularly sought after for Earth observation and other critical applications.

One of the key innovations in SpaceX's rideshare program is the introduction of a modular "rideshare plate" system for attaching payloads. This system has not only simplified the engineering process for rideshare missions but has also increased the available payload volume, further enhancing the program's capabilities.

In terms of pricing, SpaceX currently charges $5,500 per kilogram of payload, with an annual increase of $500 per kilogram. Customers have the option to lock in a lower price by paying in full at the time of contract signature, regardless of when the mission is actually launched.

With the introduction of the Bandwagon missions, SpaceX is poised to expand its already impressive rideshare portfolio and provide a versatile range of options for customers seeking to access space for their unique payloads and projects. 

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