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EXCLUSIVE! Inspired 24 Launches Mission To Democratize Access To Space

Introducing The Inspired 24, a group of space enthusiasts dedicated to promoting the democratization of space!

3 minute readUpdated 7:15 AM EDT, Sun March 31, 2024

EXCLUSIVE! Introducing The Inspired 24; a group of space enthusiasts dedicated to promoting the democratization of space!

The Inspired 24's mission is to help everyone experience the Overview Effect, promote inclusivity and diversity in space exploration, inspire people to take better care of our planet, and educate the public. The group's motto, "Inspired 2 Space 4 All!", reflects their mission to create a future where spaceflight is accessible to all, regardless of background or circumstance.

The group consists of Inspiration 4 contestants and other space enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds, including Aerospace Engineer Joan Melendez-Misner, Environmental Engineer & Research Scientist Dr. Tracy Fanara, and Zachary Aubert of TLP Network Inc.

Zachary Aubert | Founder and Network Director of TLP Network (The Launch Pad)

The Inspired 24 is excited to finally introduce their group and mission to the world and announce their official status as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. To celebrate their official non-profit status, members of The Inspired 24 created a photo montage in the shape of their logo, showcasing their commitment to inclusivity and diversity in space exploration.

The Inspired 24 has already taken action to achieve their mission. Many members are ticket holders for World View's stratospheric balloon flights, making them some of the world's first future Stratonauts.

Members of I24 also participated in events marking International Day of Girls and Women in Science.

The I24 have several upcoming events, including astronaut training with CHaSE at Biosphere 2, sponsorship of this year's Yuri's Night celebration at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center, and to participate in a Space Talk Panel at "The Galactic Diversity & Inclusion Convention" in Philadelphia.

The group's origins can be traced back to the Inspiration 4 mission in September 2021, where the first private, all civilian orbital spaceflight took place.

The I24 story is just beginning but they are already making waves through the space community and their mission to help everyone experience the Overview Effect is inspiring!

To learn more about The Inspired 24, visit their website at

The group welcomes anyone who shares their vision to join them.

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