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Psyche One Step Closer To Launch, Solar Arrays Installed

NASA's Psyche spacecraft achieved a crucial milestone as its jumbo solar arrays were methodically tested and permanently installed on the orbiter inside a pristine clean room near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

2 minute readUpdated 10:33 PM EDT, Wed March 27, 2024

NASA's Psyche spacecraft achieved a crucial milestone as its jumbo solar arrays were methodically tested and permanently installed on the orbiter inside a pristine clean room near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This installation marks a significant step towards powering the spacecraft for its remarkable journey, with the launch period set to open on October 5.

Having successfully passed the deployment test, the Psyche spacecraft's twin solar wings were carefully re-stowed, remaining securely tucked away on the sides of the orbiter until the spacecraft embarks on its voyage beyond Earth.

Psyche is slated to reach its destination, a mysterious asteroid named after the mission, located within the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, in July 2029. Subsequently, the spacecraft will enter a 26-month orbit around the asteroid, maneuvering at various altitudes to capture detailed images and gather critical scientific data.

Scientists are eagerly anticipating the findings from this ambitious mission, as they hope to gain invaluable insights into the nature of the asteroid, which is speculated to be a remnant of a planetary core, known as a planetesimal – a fundamental building block of planets. The knowledge acquired from studying Psyche could illuminate essential details about planetary cores and even provide a deeper understanding of Earth's own formation.

The installation of the Psyche spacecraft's solar arrays was accomplished at the Astrotech Space Operations facility near Kennedy Space Center. Notably, these arrays had undergone deployment testing last year at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, where their functionality and reliability were rigorously evaluated.

Comprising five panels arranged in a cross-shaped configuration, these awe-inspiring solar arrays cover an impressive area of 800 square feet (75 square meters) – marking them as the largest ever deployed at JPL. When unfurled during the spacecraft's flight, the arrays will extend to create a structure approximately the size of a singles tennis court.

As the countdown to the launch commences, excitement continues to build within the scientific community and space enthusiasts alike. The Psyche mission represents a collaborative effort involving NASA, various private industry partners, and an international team of researchers and scientists. 



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